What You Get

We have found the following file formats to be the most popular and accessible, however, if your company is interested in a specific format that is not listed here, we are happy to discuss this.

Final video files are available as:
1) MPEG files on USB thumb drive,
2) Web-ready files formatted to your website specifications, or
3) Web-ready files uploaded to a secure, independent, online location.

MROdigital works with your people, to your schedule. While every project has its specific requirements and time demands, MROdigital works to have your videos up and running as quickly as possible. We can work with your web department or contractor directly to make sure we get the right files to the right people.

Call us to discuss your next project.
land: (306) 244-6264
mobile: (306) 230-3551

mobile: (250) 884-9281