Wapawikoscikan Community School, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation, Pelican Narrows, SK. – 2015
PennCo Construction Canada (2013) Ltd.
Documentation at Wapawikoscikan Community School was extensive and occurred while construction was ongoing. MROdigital covered the comprehensive mechanical, electrical and site system renovations. All commissioning instruction presentations were recorded with maintenance staff in attendance.
All Mechanical and HVAC systems were documented, including the computer-based building management system and one of every type of Heating Unit, Air Handling Unit and HRV. We also covered the entire Fire Protection System (sprinkler systems and alarm panels) and the operation of the dust collector and the air make up unit serving the industrial arts room.
MRO covered the new services to the building, all isolation valves for every type of plumbing fixture in the building, and the use of the Operation and Maintenance manuals that included locating isolation valves using the as-built drawings and valve charts.
Electrical coverage included the substantial emergency electrical distribution and the emergency generator. MRO also covered the dis-assembly and re-assembly of all entrance hardware.
The videos were previewed by the project Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and delivered to the General Contractor in complete sets of DVDs. Video documentation is an excellent complement to the O&M manuals – particularly in remote areas such as WCS.